I'm a big fan of the collaborate art blog Booooooom! and founder/Japanese-Canadian artist Jeff Hamada's work. When Hamada announced his "Drawing on the Past" art project and collaboration with Herschel Supply Co. in making a limited edition backpack (only 75 made) based on his childhood sleeping bag with liner artwork by Andrea Wan, I had to snap one up quickly. It's pretty cool.

Anyhoo, "Drawing on the Past" is a collaborative art project based around (childhood) nostalgia with contributors submitting drawings themed on something important and significant from their past.

Jeff's own influence stems from his summer family camping trips and its influence on his on his creativity. I submitted my own drawing below (probably my first completed drawing in well over a decade after being an avid drawer as a child) about the influence of the look and feel of analogue film in still and motion picture photography on me.

I remember discovering how camera film and motion picture reels worked and became fascinated with the process. The idea of printng the still and moving image inspired me and taught me how you can put your imagination to paper and make your ideas and visuals in your head real.Download the template and submit your own entry for a chance to win swag and be featured in the ongoing series and culminating art show.
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1 reactions:
Go see this movie. It's a lot of fun, and one of the best things I've seen in a long time.
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