CBC Radio's North by Northwest hosted by Sheryl MacKay and the Studio One Book Club with Douglas Coupland reading Player One: What is to Become of Us at CBC Vancouver on October 4, 2010.

I love Douglas Coupland so much. I really do. I believe he is one of Canada's national treasures. He has so many fabulous stories and interesting things to say about on any and all topics.

I had the pleasure of hearing him speak and meeting him before at the UBC Arts Last Lecture in 2008 during my graduating year. He was a delight. I met him afterward and we chatted about how he briefly worked at the same factory both my parents worked at for over twenty years.

Coupland read excerpts from his newest book Player One: What is to Becoma of Us as a part of the CBC Massey Lectures series. The readings were hilarious as he detailed the four quirky main characters from his latest novel. He also answered questions from the audience and inserted his randomly entertaining stories often going on tangeants. The insight and anecdotes on his writing process and musings were fascinating.

Everyone should definitely check Coupland out when he speaks for the Massey Lectures next Tuesday at the UBC Chan Centre.

And I got to chat with him again and get another book of his, I have yet to read, signed. Hooray. What a nice fellow and what a delightful evening.
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I love Douglas Coupland so much. I really do. I believe he is one of Canada's national treasures. He has so many fabulous stories and interesting things to say about on any and all topics.

"The '90s were a wonderful bubble of fun and stupidity before 9/11 burst [it]."

I had the pleasure of hearing him speak and meeting him before at the UBC Arts Last Lecture in 2008 during my graduating year. He was a delight. I met him afterward and we chatted about how he briefly worked at the same factory both my parents worked at for over twenty years.

Coupland read excerpts from his newest book Player One: What is to Becoma of Us as a part of the CBC Massey Lectures series. The readings were hilarious as he detailed the four quirky main characters from his latest novel. He also answered questions from the audience and inserted his randomly entertaining stories often going on tangeants. The insight and anecdotes on his writing process and musings were fascinating.

Everyone should definitely check Coupland out when he speaks for the Massey Lectures next Tuesday at the UBC Chan Centre.

"I don't do drugs. I can't even do vitamin D."

And I got to chat with him again and get another book of his, I have yet to read, signed. Hooray. What a nice fellow and what a delightful evening.
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1 reactions:
have you read any books by pat ferguson?
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