Ladner Village Market in South Delta on June 13, 2010.

Two Sundays a month during the summer, the local Ladner community and businesses hold a daytime open air market.

It is a Ladner summer tradition that is a lot of good family fun and provides a nice, scenic walk. Be sure to check it out throughout the summer.

Although I have lived nearly all my life (over twenty years) in Ladner, I have spent most of my free time in the last few years in Richmond and Vancouver and forgot what it was like to be a part of a small town and tight knit community.

The market, the largest of its kind in Western Canada, gave me a chance to revisit my hometown, see a few familiar faces and check out all the great local business, groups, and eats Ladner has to offer.

It was a nice way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Two Sundays a month during the summer, the local Ladner community and businesses hold a daytime open air market.

It is a Ladner summer tradition that is a lot of good family fun and provides a nice, scenic walk. Be sure to check it out throughout the summer.

Although I have lived nearly all my life (over twenty years) in Ladner, I have spent most of my free time in the last few years in Richmond and Vancouver and forgot what it was like to be a part of a small town and tight knit community.

The market, the largest of its kind in Western Canada, gave me a chance to revisit my hometown, see a few familiar faces and check out all the great local business, groups, and eats Ladner has to offer.

It was a nice way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon.
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